I was presented a spinning wheel some weeks ago. A friend's mother who went to a home for the elderly gave it to me. There was one piece missing which is called hlaupastelpa or hlaupastrákur in Icelandic. English : Footman Swedish: Trampsticka, vävstake Finnish: Liipotin German: Knecht, Triebstange This item connects the treadle where the feet tread, to the crank of the wheel, thus making it turn when the treadle is trodden on. As the part was missing I needed a new one. I pondered the problem and came to a solution: Earlier this winter I read an article in the Swedish art and craft magazine "Hemslöjd", about carving wood. The essence of the article was: some good advice on how to carve wood and DON'T BE AFRAID. So I just made it and the spinning wheel works just perfectly. There it is on the picture, my own hlaupastelpa / footman / trampsticka / liipotin / Knecht
Kaldnasi,986 m As you saw from the previous post you can take a rag rug on a hike.
Long before that I had a project going on for a decade that was about taking a spinning wheel on hikes and spin on the top of mountains. The first spinning was on Iceland's tallest peak Hvannadalsnúkur. That was in 1994 I think. Then I did some lower ones. There was no real system that steered my choice. More a feeling, instinct or artistic insight? Kaldnasi lies in the mountain ridge Helgrindur on the peninsula Snæfellsnes in W-Iceland. I did 7 summits in all and Kaldnasi was the 7th. Somehow I had managed to lose the first images that were on positive film, like all the spinning on mountains images, and they were lost for some years. Then one day in 2006 I found them at home in my stuff where they were not supposed to be. That I guess how it is with items that gets lost at home. As I finally had all the 7 summits in my hands I decided: it is now or never! I applied for a gallery, got accepted and threw an exhibition. The exhibition was about mountains in my life. The 7 spun summits, a rag rya piece of art praising the skiing and 3 metal and felt pieces depicting mountain forms and sheep, or more precisely the markings on the ears of the sheep that roam the mountains. There are images of almost all these items on my web. My mother kindly knitted a shawl for me from the yarn that was spun in a mini mill in Norway from Icelandic goat down. The hair is called cashmere but as the goats in Iceland have never been bred for anything particular their soft down is of different length. Not the desired minimum of 4 cm. The yarn that Telespinn span for me in Norway is therefore second class yarn, containing bits of the coarse hair which first class cashmere yarn should not contain. Icelandic goats are an endangered species it means there are not many of them they are now around 815. It is impossible at time being to start breeding goats here only for their hair, but it will hopefully be done in due time when the goats are 2500 and less threatened. But never the less the yarn is lovely and expensive due to the cost of the spinning. The shawl is lovely and light and very precious. As far as I know this is the first shawl ever to have been knitted out of Icelandic goats' down. That is one more step on the way to save the Icelandic goats. I have just added some images from my installation The Seeress and Ragnarök, my final work for my MA in 2008. It was hard work, physically and mentally and I enjoyed every bit of it. I am rather pleased with the installation as it was but have not had an opportunity yet to exhibit it elsewhere. There will be a time. But what do you think of this piece? Ég var að bæta við myndum úr insetningunni Völvan og Ragnarök eða The Seeress and Ragnarok. lokaverkefni mitt í Meistaranámi mínu 2008. Þetta var krefjandi verk andlega og líkamlega en ánægjulegt í alla staði. Ég var ánægð með útkomuna og finnst leiðnlegt að hafa ekki haft möguleika á að sýna það aftur. En sá tími mun renna upp. Hvað finnst þér um þetta verk? I like this image too. This is from the past. Everything that is not now is past or in the future. I think it is a bit frightening to think of these matters. I am now. But the now lasts for such a short time. There is always more past than present. Isn't it? When I have written these words they are already the past. But...as soon as someone reads them they turn into the present. Isn't that strange. But again it proves Mr Einstein's theory that Time is relative. Past,present and future all exist simultaneously. Any comments? I love this image. It is a sketch that could be a piece. It is the colours and the form of the woolen balls. I span (OE) the yarn from woolen tops from Shetland sheep. The natural colours of sheep as you can see. And the blue of the plastic mugs. These colours and shapes harmonize. And the white of the floor. I actually scrubbed that floor because it was filthily grey and I found this beautiful kind of white. (Makes me think of Whistler's white work). This white was amazing and while I had that space I kept it white. Now when I am looking again at this sketch I feel I did a good job and it feels inspiring too. I better get on with the autumnal weaving so I can start with something like this again. Really exciting. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Archives
June 2024