I dragged myself out of the cave, my loom room. What I did was that I carried out the "Lord of the Rings" rug to photograph it. There is snow covering everything, not very cold only around 0°C. Still felt chilly as I didn't dress up properly. But it was fun and also the rug got some airing.
It will leave my studio soon but I want to hold on to it for a couple of more days. It is after all dear to me. Staulaðist út úr hellinum sem er vefstofan mín. Ég tók út "Hringadrottins" teppið til að ljósmynda það. Snjór yfir öllu við frostmark en samt napurt þar sem ég var ekki almennilega klædd. En þetta var skemmtilegt og teppið loftað og ljósmyndað. Það mun yfirgefa stofuna brátt en mig langar til að hafa það hjá mér enn því það er mér kært.
what else to call a piece that has been woven under the influence of "The lord of the Rings" than Lord of the Rings? If you have better suggestions let me know.
I am still toiling on the rug. I get bewitched by plaiting and threading, my right shoulder is burning and aching but still I can't stop doing it! Madness but still entire happiness. I have put an icepack on my shoulder every evening since beginning this toiling of finishing the rug. I do my physiotherapy moves for sore shoulders and I am fit again in the morning to start dealing with the threads. Madness can be a delight . Here are a few shots of the rug where it is piled up in my working space on the floor. And one of the balls of rags (balls of fire I was thinking) before they became Lord of the Rings. The weaving is not the only part of making a rag rug as I have often mentioned.
All the hours, days and weeks it takes to cut the rags. All the preparation of choosing rags that go together in one way or another, creating, planning, thinking, making. The weaving itself. And when the rug is free from the loom comes the time of finishing. Plaiting the ends and threading loose threads. It takes a while too. Second day now working on this one, a carpet made under "The Lord of the Rings". A cup of coco and some biscuits to go with it. Still listening to the "The lord of the rings". The evil has been conquered and life runs new with heavy hearts. As I have been listening to the Tolkien trilogy about the Lord of the Rings I gather the rug is full of that story. I have reached The return of the King now and also the end of the rug is nigh.
Below a part of it only. In the end it is green and turquoise as the world gets better in the story of the the Ring. Cutting rags, talking on the phone and weaving. And not to forget: listening to audiobooks. In short: enjoying life!!
![]() I am weaving twill these days. It is called vaðmál in Icelandic. The English term is vadmal. These terms indicate that the lines that the warp and weft form are diagonal and there are various angles of lines that make different forms of twill : 14°,18°, 27°, 45° and 63°. The different forms of twill have an array of names: herringbone, goose eye, overcheck herringbone, barleycorn, houndstooth, broken twill. plain twill, glen check, gun club check, broken twill and tattersall. Probably there are more terms. The one I am weaving is a weft faced herringbone, at 45°. Of course it is made from RAGS! ;) ![]() Over a year ago I beat this ragrug together. The device that I actually use that is on the loom is called a beater and one really does use quite some force to make a really good rag rug. I am making a series of small wall pieces now and will soon publish a photograph of the first one to leave the loom and get plaited and ready for leaving the studio. This one's colours are the autumnal colours a year ago. Very lush indeed. I am pleased with this piece and I think it is good to be pleased about ones own work. I remember years ago I made a wall hanging depicting a bird. When I took it out of the loom I found it hideous, so ugly that I rolled it up and put it in a closet and didn't see it for a couple of years. By some reason or another I took it out of the closet and had a look at it. Alas! I liked it, and couldn't understand why I found it so hideous earlier. Either it must have been me or the ragrug that had matured. I will have to dig it out and make a digital photograph of it and show it here on the blog. You might recognize the red part of the autumnal piece. I use it as the banner for my website. It is actually for sale, even if I am a bit reluctant to part with it. If you are interested see here Fyrir rúmu ári síðan sló ég saman þetta tuskuteppi. Verkfærið sem ég nota til að gera það með heitir slagborð og það þarf svoldið afl til að slá saman almennilegt tuskuteppi, eða á maður að kalla þetta leppateppi eða tuskuteppi ?
Ég er nú að slá saman seríu af frekar litlum veggverkum sem að brátt verða birtar myndir af hér á þessari síðu en fyrst þurfa þau að yfirgefa vefstólinn og verða fléttuð á langhliðinni. Þetta teppi er í haustlitunum frá því í fyrra. Litríkt og höfgafullt. Ég er mjög ánægð með það og mér finnst það vera gott að geta verið ánægður með eitthvað sem að maður skapar sjálfur. Fyrir þó nokkrum árum óf ég veggteppi sem að sýndi fugl. Þegar ég tók það úr vefstólnum fannst mér það svo ófrýnilegt að ég rúllaði því saman og setti inn í skáp og leit ekki á það fyrr en að nokkrum árum liðnum. Þegar ég barði það aftur augum fannst mér það bara flott! Skildi ekki af hverju mér hafði þótt það svo stjarft. Annað hvort hafði ég þroskast eða kannski teppið í skápnum. Ég þarf að finna það og ná af því stafrænni mynd og birta á blogginu mínu. Það getur verið að þið kannist við rauða hluta Haust teppisins en það nota ég í fánanum efst á heimasíðunni minni. En það teppi er til sölu sjá hér |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Categories