Útiseta er forn aðferð til að ná sambandi við náttúruöfl og andleg öfl samkvæmt fornum norrænum sið. Þetta fyrirbæri fyrirfinnst í öðrum menningarheimum s.s. í Síberiu, Ameríku og í Samalandi (þekkt sem Lappland). Völvur til forna voru valdamiklar konur sem að stunduðu útisetu til að öðlast visku. Þær fræddu menn um fortíð, samtíð og framtíð þeirra. Merki þeirra var stafur sem að minnir á halasnældu eða hörbrúðu sem er stafur sem að hör var undinn utan um og spunnið af. Verk sumra kvenna voru vefnaður og spuni og oft litið á þau sem sköpun eða örlagavalda. Spuninn minnn er útiseta og hef ég unnið nokkur verk útfrá þessu þema. Hér fyrir neðan eru myndir af spuna.
Utiseta, sitting outside, is an old way to get connected to natural forces and spiritual forces according to old Nordic tradition. This means occurs in other cultures e.g. in Siberia, America and Saami (known as Lappland). Völvur, or seeresses in former times were powerful women who practiced utiseta to obtain wisdom. They informed people about the past, the present and their future. Their signs was a staff that reminds of a dropspindle or a distaff. Some women's tasks were spinning and weaving and these tasks have often been seen as creation or making of fate. My spinning can be utiseta when I spin outdors and I have made a few works with that theme. Here below are images of spinning and further down slide show of the 7 summits spinning.
Utiseta, sitting outside, is an old way to get connected to natural forces and spiritual forces according to old Nordic tradition. This means occurs in other cultures e.g. in Siberia, America and Saami (known as Lappland). Völvur, or seeresses in former times were powerful women who practiced utiseta to obtain wisdom. They informed people about the past, the present and their future. Their signs was a staff that reminds of a dropspindle or a distaff. Some women's tasks were spinning and weaving and these tasks have often been seen as creation or making of fate. My spinning can be utiseta when I spin outdors and I have made a few works with that theme. Here below are images of spinning and further down slide show of the 7 summits spinning.
Seven summits spinning 1993 -2005 slide show Sjö tinda spuni