SpringSpring is here! This year I find it almost unbelievable that it really is so. As age proceeds time seems to gain more speed with every week I live. It seems it was autumn just a week ago. But oh the colours the colours of the preciously frail spring. I have set them in a strict pattern but the colours are softly lingering on. Combination of the strict and the free. I have not had time to organize a Gálgaknit event this month that will be over tomorrow when we embrace 1st of May. But Gálgaknit will be there where it is needed sooner or later. The blasted road is where it is now. Strange however how conveniently the road is in the part of the Lava where it is now called Garðahraun or Garðalava. Authorities have their ways. Tommorrow on the FIRST of May will be a green and red march that begins at Hlemmur in Reykjavik and proceeds down Laugavegur to Ingolfstorg and the green part will end on Austurvöllur where we shall plant thousands of green flags. More here about the march VorÞegar aldurinn færist yfir þá líður tíminn hraðar með hverri viku sem líður í lífinu. Mér finnst eins og eingöngu sé liðin vika frá því að það haustaði. En þessir stórkostlegu litir vorsins. Ég er með skarpt mynstur í vefnum en á móti eru mjúkir litir vorsins sem að síga áfram í dreglinum. Það hefur ekki orðið mikið úr Gálgaprjóni upp á síðkastið vegna anna annar staðar sem hafa verið skemmtilega og nytsamlegar annir.
En Gálgaprjón á eftir að mæta þar sem þess er þörf. Bévítans Krimmvegurinn í Gálgahrauni er kominn. Merkilegt að það skuli hafa verið svo hentugt vegstæði akkúrat þar sem að yfirvöld kjósa að hraunið heiti Garðahraun. Á morgun er 1. maí og mun gangan vera rauð og græn að þessu sinni. Hefst við Hlemm og áfram niður Laugaveg að Ingólfstorgi. Grænu göngunni lýkur á Austurvelli þar sem þúsund flöggum grænum verður stungið niður. Meira hér um gönguna
My life is not just weaving, knitting and getting arrested for demonstrating.
I adore going skiing and this winter I have only gone X country skiing in various weather. I am throwing in a few pics from this winters skiing trips. Only day trips, haven't been on an expedition this year. But the short tours have been wonderful for body and mind. I need to get out moving to be able to sit and knit, weave or draw. Same for writing. I use the bicycle a lot in town, it is economic, environmental friendly and I get exercise. Sometimes I go skiing with friend and just as often on my own. I like both. I tend to talk a lot when going with friends, might be doing that be because I spend a lot of time by myself in the studio? I am always hoping I am not talking their ears to bits. When I go on my own I sometimes photograph myself and end up headless! The little brook that is breaking out of the snow, the winter grass on the banks. That is an idea. Of something. The long long scarf is long thanks to all the participants who have knitted at home or knitted on site.
Marvelous how many have participated! Þökk sé öllum þeim sem hafa prjónað heima og þeim sem hafa mætt á staðinn og prjónað er trefillinn orðinn langur. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Archives
October 2024