Fire within the basalt was my thought and so the woven piece I made in 1996. Already then I was preoccupied with waste and pollution as I still am. The difference is that in those days people thought I was a mad pessimist but now they have learned to understand that what I knew then was correct. (I am boasting of being smart, of course ;)
I have learned a lot since then and hopefully matured a bit. Sometimes when reminiscing I feel I haven't changed at all and react and do things as before. But in some cases I realize that I wouldn't have been able to tackle certain situations then as I do now. Some progress made. People often say they have changed for better or worse depending on the person. I wonder if people change at all, well some get hit in the head and actually their character changes but that is another story. Of course I can only speak for myself and some maturity has taken place. But I still think this ragrug is rather alright.
Þakkir til allra sem að hafa fært mér tuskur á þessu ári. Núna er stofan full og ekki rúmast meiri tuskur fyrr en ég er búin að vefa nokkuð marga metra og búin að selja nokkur teppi.
Nú fer ég brátt að byrja á veðurteppinu sem til hefur staðið að vefa í langan tíma. En myndir af ýmislegu veðri hefur verið skissu vinnan fyrir það verk. Þetta er byrjunin. Thanks to everybody who have brought me rags this year. Now the rooms are full and there is no space for more rags until I have woven some more meters and sold a few rugs. Soon I will start weaving the weather rug. Pictures of weather have been the sketching work for that piece. This is the beginning. I was asked the other day when admiring the hills of Landmannalaugar if I had used them in my work. I gather so when I think of my rugs. I em always collecting colours and hues and finding new inspiration in the "old". Landmannalaugar is full of hazy purple, soft pink, deep yellow, emerald green and the astonishing bright green moss of the wet. I think I am weaving these colours on and off. I find the colours when I am out on the go so they are probably a mixture of what I have seen.
Have an old sofa that you love? That is what I have. My parents old sofa full of wonderful memories. One is being four years old and waking up in the sofa in the middle of the day, in the middle of the summer with the sun shining on me. I had fallen asleep somewhere and was lain down in the sofa with the striped towel on me. I woke up in wonder and excitement. It was not every day that I woke up in the living room. I cherished the moment for a long while. The cat was there too purring at my feet. An old sofa full memories covered with a rag-rug called Spring 2012 also full of memories. Together they are the present that is creating memories for the future. (The pillows are full of other memories) This spring I have been working on a farm, weaving and combing goats on another farm.
The colours in the spring piece are the ones springing out of my mind when looking out on the horizon or scrutinizing the vegetation. The goats were combed for their soft undercoat called cashmere. Their cashmere is not first class but it is lush and beautiful in spite of that and the goats look classy when they have been groomed. The spring piece in my loom keeps growing and is more than 2 meters by now. It started with the yellowish grey and is now in the bluish dark grey of the sky. You can see from the May and 30th of April blog how the rug started out. Þetta vor hefur verið vefnaður, sveitastörf, sauðburður og kembing geita. Fiðan er dásamleg af geitunum þó svo hún flokkist ekki sem fyrsta flokks efni. En geiturnar verða svo fallegar eftir kembinguna. Vorstykkið í vefstólnum er yfir 2 m að lengd og hefur ferðast frá gul gráu yfir í himinblátt og svargráblátt. Litir vorsins þetta árið eins og hugur minn upplifir það. Það er hægt að skoða í færslunum frá maí og 30. apríl hvernig það byrjaði. SpringSpring is here! This year I find it almost unbelievable that it really is so. As age proceeds time seems to gain more speed with every week I live. It seems it was autumn just a week ago. But oh the colours the colours of the preciously frail spring. I have set them in a strict pattern but the colours are softly lingering on. Combination of the strict and the free. I have not had time to organize a Gálgaknit event this month that will be over tomorrow when we embrace 1st of May. But Gálgaknit will be there where it is needed sooner or later. The blasted road is where it is now. Strange however how conveniently the road is in the part of the Lava where it is now called Garðahraun or Garðalava. Authorities have their ways. Tommorrow on the FIRST of May will be a green and red march that begins at Hlemmur in Reykjavik and proceeds down Laugavegur to Ingolfstorg and the green part will end on Austurvöllur where we shall plant thousands of green flags. More here about the march VorÞegar aldurinn færist yfir þá líður tíminn hraðar með hverri viku sem líður í lífinu. Mér finnst eins og eingöngu sé liðin vika frá því að það haustaði. En þessir stórkostlegu litir vorsins. Ég er með skarpt mynstur í vefnum en á móti eru mjúkir litir vorsins sem að síga áfram í dreglinum. Það hefur ekki orðið mikið úr Gálgaprjóni upp á síðkastið vegna anna annar staðar sem hafa verið skemmtilega og nytsamlegar annir.
En Gálgaprjón á eftir að mæta þar sem þess er þörf. Bévítans Krimmvegurinn í Gálgahrauni er kominn. Merkilegt að það skuli hafa verið svo hentugt vegstæði akkúrat þar sem að yfirvöld kjósa að hraunið heiti Garðahraun. Á morgun er 1. maí og mun gangan vera rauð og græn að þessu sinni. Hefst við Hlemm og áfram niður Laugaveg að Ingólfstorgi. Grænu göngunni lýkur á Austurvelli þar sem þúsund flöggum grænum verður stungið niður. Meira hér um gönguna Eftir að hafa mest verið að prjóna náttúruverndartrefilinn er ég komin í vefstólinn aftur. Held áfram með sama þema og í haust gallabuxur og boli, en stærra verk í þetta sinn. Á eftir að ákveða endanlega stærð. Með teppinu er ég að hlusta á bók eftir Henning Mankell sem heitir Pyramiden. Sem sagt komin í hellinn og er hamingjusöm. I have mostly been knitting the nature protection scarf lately. But now I am back in the loom. Same concept as this autumn jeans and Tshirts but the piece I am making will be larger. Haven't decided how big. I am listening to Henning Mankell's The Pyramid. I am back in the cave and very happy.
Lord of the Rags, or Rings as it is inspired by the tales by Tolkien.
Goose eyes, rings. Well I am satisfied. I dragged myself out of the cave, my loom room. What I did was that I carried out the "Lord of the Rings" rug to photograph it. There is snow covering everything, not very cold only around 0°C. Still felt chilly as I didn't dress up properly. But it was fun and also the rug got some airing.
It will leave my studio soon but I want to hold on to it for a couple of more days. It is after all dear to me. Staulaðist út úr hellinum sem er vefstofan mín. Ég tók út "Hringadrottins" teppið til að ljósmynda það. Snjór yfir öllu við frostmark en samt napurt þar sem ég var ekki almennilega klædd. En þetta var skemmtilegt og teppið loftað og ljósmyndað. Það mun yfirgefa stofuna brátt en mig langar til að hafa það hjá mér enn því það er mér kært. what else to call a piece that has been woven under the influence of "The lord of the Rings" than Lord of the Rings? If you have better suggestions let me know.
I am still toiling on the rug. I get bewitched by plaiting and threading, my right shoulder is burning and aching but still I can't stop doing it! Madness but still entire happiness. I have put an icepack on my shoulder every evening since beginning this toiling of finishing the rug. I do my physiotherapy moves for sore shoulders and I am fit again in the morning to start dealing with the threads. Madness can be a delight . Here are a few shots of the rug where it is piled up in my working space on the floor. And one of the balls of rags (balls of fire I was thinking) before they became Lord of the Rings. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Archives
October 2024