![]() I am thinking. A lot. The image depicts the colours I am thinking about. Actually I am also planning a different kind of material too. Upholstery woven of wool based on older upholstery. While I think I cut rags into strips, I sew and do a bit of book keeping. Practical things that have to be done and good to use the opportunity while the next piece is still unraveling itself in my head. Apart from this thinking I am preparing a short talk about the cashmere obtained from the Icelandic goats. For the first time there will be an official Day of the Icelandic Goat on November 30th. There will be a few talks about different aspects concerning the Icelandic endangered goat in the National Museum of Iceland next Friday, i.e. tomorrow. I have been mentioning this on Facebook and used the picture below of a bowing goat as bait. ;) If you didn't know before I can tell you that there is a Weberstrasse site on facebook too. It contains more or less the same stuff as this blog. But there you can "like" stuff. The option here is to write a comment if you care to. Work awaits. Take care until next blog.
![]() The municipality of Reykjavík is for the first time taking part in the European week for waste reduction. My work has been used as an example by Reykjavik how you can create with waste and that is in Icelandic. But for the not-understanding-Icelandic-people there are pictures you can look at without much language knowledge and there are translation options online, somewhere. The image I use here on the left is an old one that my friend Stéphanie Morissette took out of a video she made. This was in 2002 or 2003. We had been granted studios by the municipality of Hafnarfjörður, Iceland. They were situated in an old haunted house called Straumur, next door to the aluminum smelter at Straumsvik south of Hafnarfjörður. It was during this stay that I made the piece "A Proposal for a new Coat of Arms for the republic Iceland". At that time most of Icelanders were brainwashed with the great need of aluminium smelters and huge hydro power stations. If you opposed to those ideas you were a sentimental idiot, according to the government and most of the nation. Here we are 10 years later in deep debt because of folly. Not just us Icelanders but most nations I can think of at this moment. I am still doing the same thing as then, using discarded garments to make art. Trying to be in sync with the environment. I am busy these days cutting rags. I have cut all the green garments I have found so far in my studio and I am waiting to receive more green . The rag rug weaving is as you can see not just about weaving it is also the collecting. That makes it harder but more fun and sustainable. I just read an interesting post by Pamela Nguyen called: The environmental costs of a T-shirt (infographic) .You can open the link and read the stuff, it is an eye opener. It makes me more proud of the path I have chosen to use for my art and it is totally in line with the exhibition Bómullartuskur-Cotton Rags that I threw in Jan-Feb this year. I am glad I am not an island in what I preach ;)
I have been cutting garments and I want to show you a picture of the balls of rags I have made this week. Mostly green but one white-orangy. ![]() I have just added some images from my installation The Seeress and Ragnarök, my final work for my MA in 2008. It was hard work, physically and mentally and I enjoyed every bit of it. I am rather pleased with the installation as it was but have not had an opportunity yet to exhibit it elsewhere. There will be a time. But what do you think of this piece? Ég var að bæta við myndum úr insetningunni Völvan og Ragnarök eða The Seeress and Ragnarok. lokaverkefni mitt í Meistaranámi mínu 2008. Þetta var krefjandi verk andlega og líkamlega en ánægjulegt í alla staði. Ég var ánægð með útkomuna og finnst leiðnlegt að hafa ekki haft möguleika á að sýna það aftur. En sá tími mun renna upp. Hvað finnst þér um þetta verk? ![]() Garments that you wish to discard that are GREEN. Of single colour, different hues, checked, floral, dotted any kind of designs. Trousers, blouses, shirts, Tshirts, curtains, bed linen etc. but they have to be COTTON. I need this for the next projects. GRÆNAR flíkur sem þið viljið losna við. Einlitt, alls kyns tónar, köflótt, rósótt, doppótt, alls konar gerðir. Buxur, vesti, brók, skyrtur, blússur, bolir, gardínur, sængurföt o.s.fr. en þær þurfa allar að vera úr BÓMULL. Mig vantar þetta fyrir næstu verkefni. ![]() This was my stall at the craft fair in the Reykjavík Town Hall during the last 5 days. I have never taken part in this annual art fair in Reykjavík. It was quite different from having a gallery on my own. I am lucky to have a good friends. One that is an interior architect, her name is Þuríður Helga Jónasdóttir and she is experienced in setting stalls and exhibitions. My nephew Magnús Már kindly enough turned up every day of the fair to sit in for me while I went for lunch, out of the building to rest the ears and get some food. Two other friends helped me with the stall, Kristín Bogadóttir who is a photographer and Ásgerður Einarsdóttir who takes people out on slow hikes, they both turned up late in the afternoon so I could go off to my work that pays the bills. They all talked to the visitors and informed them of the essentials of rag rug weaving. Fantastastic. The rucksack on the right of the image is not mine but a visitor's and I didn't realize until now that it was on the photo, but no worries. One lady thought the idea of upcycling so fascinating that she sent a pair of jeans with a friend, whom she met at the swimming pool in the early morning who was on her way to the fair. I cut the jeans into usable stuff for weaving. The two balls on the pic here below are the two pair of jeans. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Categories