My blog should be about the art I am creating and the reasons for creating. I have not had the time to write for a few weeks, actually more than a month as there were bad news: a road that has been planned by the municipality of Garðabær ( Gardabaer, Iceland) and been highly criticized for twenty years by a number of people concerned about the environment, the cost of the road and the reason for it, was started with bulldozers in September. I got involved in the demonstrations and ended up being arrested twice on October 21st, detained in solitary confinement and interrogated by the police.
Demonstrations in the open are usually the last straw, not the first, in cases like this. Unfortunately many people think it is the beginning of criticizing something, but it is only the visible part of it. There is a high heap of written facts, figures and critic that have preceded this action. The demand is that developments be put on hold until the Supreme court has ruled whether they are indeed legal. If you are interested in the case you can look at news in English from Iceland here, here, here, here and here I also want to point out an interesting thing: the arrests on Monday October 21st was the biggest police action in Iceland for decades! And it was because of an illegal road being built for the municipality of Garðabær and backed up by the government of Iceland. 20 demonstrators and 50 police officers! My creation in the loom is environmentally friendly as far as I am capable to make it. The rags are the concept of: waste of material, time, money and land.
The rag rug I made inspired by fishing-nets has been accepted to be included in an exhibition called "Net á þurru landi" or "Net on dry land" the url is here for the exhibition. All in plain Icelandic. Couldn't find it in English. In an earlier blog I put in pictures of the rug in the making but I got so excited about handing it in that I totally forgot about photographing. Will have to leave that to the moment when I receive my rug back at the end of the exhibition. This post goes without a picture.
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Categories