Ég hef farið skíðandi um Mosfellsheiði í vetur og kannað leiðir, vörður og drauga en einnig skoðað veðrið sem hefur verið alls kyns. Ég er sannfærð um að á heiðinni sé fullt af draugum enda hafa margir látíð lífið þar á leið sinni suður í verið eða annara erinda. Ekki var mikið af snjó í seinustu ferð en samt alveg nóg. Heimurinn að breytast. Árstíðirnar okkar breyta stöðum þannig að þó maður fari alltaf um sama veg þá er hann alltaf nýr eða öðruvísi hverju sinni. sama er að segja um vörðuna sem ég kalla Mosi og sést það best af myndunum. Þegar snjórinn umlykti hana var hún aðeins hálf á hæð en sást þó víða að þó það væri hvíta yfir. Stundum var erfitt að finna vörðurnar í vetur, og þrisvar var ég þakklát fyrir að vera með gps á mér. Þar sást gjörla hvernig maður gengur í baug þó maður sé alviss um að vera að ganga í beina stefnu að markinu. Sérlega fyndið var þetta í eitt skiptið þegar Hélène var með mér þegar snjóaði og ekki sást í dökkan díl og við gengum í djúpum sveigum þar til við höfðum náð stjórn á ferðinni. Hlutir sem að maður veit en samt ætíð jafn undarlegt að lenda í þeim.
Veturinn var frábær að mínu mati. I have skied across Mosfellheiði heath several times this winter and ....routes, cairns and ghosts but also studied the weather that was changeable. I am certain that there are several ghosts on the heath as many have died there on their crossing going to the fishing ports or in other errands. There was not a lot of snow in the last tour this spring but enough. The world of the heath is changing. The seasons turn our places into new worlds as they progress that even if one is always on the same path it is a new one each time. You can see that from the pis of my favourite cairn that has risen from the snow and is standing tall now after been surrounded by snow up to its waist. But in spite of being short it was visible for afar and even in a white out. Often I was glad to have my gps with me this winter becaust on certain points you couldn't spot a cairn especially in a white out. Once when traversing with Hélêne in a white out we were swinging left and right until we got it and saw a cairn. The gps showes how that we sere circling in spite of believing we were going straight. Such is the power of a white out. This is something I have been trained for and I know it but it is still weird to be there and know but still do the bows. It was a splendid winter for me.
It seem incredible but it is true spring has arrived.
On mothers' day Hraunavinir a society that is concerned about the waste of nature in Iceland, the name means friends of lava, did a guided walk to the source of the Gálgahraun lava field. The craters name is Búrfell and is the mother of the lava field that I and several other people were trying to protect in October 2 years ago. Many were arrested but only 9 of us arrested twice and prosecuted. When you are speechless because of strange events in society one has to act in some way and my way was to start the knitting of a natur protection scarf. There were several people who took part in the knitting and you can see more by clicking on the category Knitting performance in the Category side bar on the right or open here The previous October 21t we were reminiscing that a year had passed since these events in the lavafield by throwing a party with a photo exhibition, coffee and cakes, speeches choral singing. The images from that afternoon are also to be found under the Knitting performance category.It was a grand feast hard to describe. Solidarity was strongly present. A week ago we walked to the crater Búrfell, flagged the green nature protection scarf to the forces surrounding us asking them for strengt to face the perils. Than we had a fine pick-nick on a day that could be called the first real spring day this year. And Spring has continued and the grass is getting greener and the birds have settled int their nests. Soon our case will be presented in the highest court in Iceland Hæstiréttur On May 21st our lawyers will present the case to the judges and we hope for a just treatment. Á mæðradaginn var fóru félagar í Hraunavinum í göngu að uppsprettu Gálgahrauns, Búrfellsgjár. náttúruverndartrefillin var með í för og flögguðum, við hönum með ákalli til ósýnilegra mátta um að að hafa kraft til að horfast í augu við mótlæti sem að gæti orðið. 21. maí næstkomandi verður mál 9-menningann úr Gálgahrauni tekið fyrir í Hæstarétti . Fluttningur málsins er opinn öllum og eru sérstaklega þeir sem komust ekki í réttarhöldin í Héraðsdómi Reykjaness hvattir til að mæta. Aðeins er um að ræða málsfluttning en ekki vitnaleiðslur og slíkt sem er búið. Þeir sem ekki er kunnugt um þetta mál er bent á að opna Knitting Perfomance slóðina í categories hér í hægri dálkinn eða opna hér þar er reifuð saga trefilsins í bloggi. Í haust sem leið 21. október minntumst við að ár var liðið síðan að stjórnvaldið var með vægt sagt undarlega gjörninga í Gálgahrauni. Það sem einkenndi þann fund var samstaða. Það er hægt að skoða þann viðburð undir Knitting Performance líka. En munið: Verið velkomin í Dómssal hæstaréttar 21.5. 2015. Spring arrived, one face of spring. The kind that is sunny as hell, dry, cold and windy. There has been a prevailing northern wind which means that the moisture, in this case snow, has stayed in the northern part of the country and has arrived cold and dry to the south. Which is fine if you like skiing in sunshine and dressing for winter. As I do but there are limits. Golden plovers and other birds have not been able to flock up north because the ground has been covered with snow and if no snow the ground is dry and frozen as it is here in the south and there is not much feed. Golden plovers, whimbrels and other birds have stayed a lot in sheltered gardens where the sun has reached the frost and thawed the ground so the poor little larvae of various insects have been maturing only to end as protein rich food in a birds stomach. Such is life it ends with death. Death is life.
Went for a lovely skiing tour with Hélène Magnússon. Her husband had offered to meet us as we skied from Bláfjöll to Selvogur. Around 15 km. Of course there were cairns on the way and a tea brake at the foot of a cairn. There are not many ghosts in these parts, on the old foot road Selvogsgata contrary to the heath Mosfellsheiði where there are several. The skiing was great as long as there was snow! We heard a whimbrel sing a serenade, met a pair of ptarmigans that were madly in love. The male ptarmigan was as if strung on a thread with his raised tail and fiercely red eyebrow. The female pretending to be aloof was really turning the male on. Didn't catch them with the camera. The sky was blue, the wind in our backs, and the VIEW was FanTastic. Snow, lava, moss, ocean, islands, mountains and hills. Surely a great inspiration. The last few km we had to mount the skis on our packs and walk. At the end was a steep hill that ended at a lake where Hélène's husband waited with the car. She plunged into the lake but I had a chat with her husband and daughter about ducks and old farmstead ruins, on dry land. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Archives
October 2024