Spring I call the piece I am working on in my loom. The colours of spring seep into my brain and I browse in my boxes full of rags and search and look and find...the colours that are spinning in my head.
I made a spring piece a few years ago, in the same loom, in the same room and it is different from the one being created at the moment. Spring changes year from year and also it depends on where I spend my time and doing what how spring looks like in my head. I have already showed a few glimpses of the Spring being made in my loom now. More pics today. I think it will turn out quite well. A new exhibition is being shaped in my head On the radio they are talking about sustainability, in Reykjavik! They are talking about using all the green areas in Reykjavik that are meadows that are being mowed every summer and the grass used for compost instead of letting people use the areas for growing food! I agree! Well the spring pictures now.
But the barn cat, the dog, cows and still more to be found. I am enjoying myself thoroughly. More pics later.
I am not exactly working on art these days. I am earning a bit by working as a farmhand in N-Iceland. This time of year it is all about lambing. Lambs getting born in various states. Most of them are healthy and going happy like the one in this little video that is my contribution to you all. Some are weak and tired of being thrown out into the big world that they are not quite full of instinct and having problems finding their maaams udders. But they learn as time goes. Others are triplets and then one of them has to be weaned under a ewe that only has one lamb. Sometimes they are happy taking the second strange lamb mostly they are not keen on the strange one and it takes patience from man and ewe to make it happen. Takes 4-5 days. But do enjoy this little happy lamb that has got spring in it's little legs. |
AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Archives
June 2024