The second exhibition I took part in this year is over now. I dismounted my piece of art in the rain today, it was also mounted in the rain in May this year. Been a rainy summer in Iceland and the Warp of Fate is bleak, sad and not looking well as is the future for us here on this island Iceland, because that is what the Warp of Fate tells us.
The witches, fortune tellers and other mystical figures of the past, were they not just artists, conceptual and political artists as we call some of them today? I took part in the agricultural fair in Skagafjörður, N-Iceland last Saturday. I represented the goats of Iceland that are an endangered species, very much so. Only about 850 left. You can see more about these precious goats on my goat site. I hastily made a poster to stress the fact, and if you care to you can print it out and hang it up where the public can lay eyes on it. One in English and the other one in Icelandic. Feel free to use it.
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AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Categories