I have been warping today. That is I am creating the warp that will be beamed on the loom.
To be able to weave one needs an amount of threads that are stretched side by side. The least you need is 3 threads, perhaps 2. I warped 375 threads, that are 12 m long. you see from the images that instead of laying the 12 m threads side by side on the ground I use a warping mill that turns around an axis in the middle. This way I can stand in the same spot and warp instead of walking back and forth 275 times. I have then assembled a bunch of people next weekend to help me with the beaming on the loom. Actually the only instance where I need labor force. I could do it on my own but by receiving help the threads are more evenly stretched on the beam and it is easier. After toiling there are cake and coffee.
30/1/2013 08:12:04
má ég vera með? ég er laus á sunnudaginn.
Anna María
30/1/2013 08:20:59
Þú ert meira en velkomin. Liðið kemur á laugardaginn kl. 13. Kemstu þá?
31/1/2013 06:53:09
Því fer verra, ég er út á landi á laugardag. En ég þarf að tala við þig í sambandi við geitur.
anna maría
31/1/2013 03:50:23
Great Marled. Thank you, that is appreciated.Well next time.
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AuthorAnna María Lind, MA Textile Art Winchester School of Art. Categories